It's In The Life You Live
Thursday, July 31, 2014
KEY VERSE: “Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:14).
If we let the Bible rule our thoughts and personal conduct, we will have the right attitude toward everybody. It helps us to act the way Christians should in all our relationships with others.
In the passage of Scriptures for today, we see God’s demand on his people for discretion and righteousness in their relationship with all men. True believers are the people of God. We are to be mindful of the safety of those that cannot help themselves. The disabled, the disadvantaged, the defenseless and minors are not to be taken advantage of. We are to fear the Lord. Believers in position of authority are to be different from the world. They are to dispense justice without fear, compromise or regard to persons, for such behaviours are an abomination in the sight of God.
Every true believer is expected to be a soul winner and never a waster. To this end, we are to warn sinners daily of the doom and the consequences of sin by effectively presenting the gospel to them. We should not permit sin by not preaching to them, otherwise, we ourselves become guilty of sin and liable to judgment (Ezekiel 3:18). The believer is not a slanderer. He allows the Spirit’s control over his passions and emotions, and he takes care not to offend in word or in deed.
Some of the greatest proofs of a true relationship with Christ is the possession of God’s love in the heart towards others and the fact that we keep His commandments. The genuineness of our profession is not measured by the high-sounding words of the testimony we give, but by the fruits of obedience which show forth in our lives. Strive to be a fruitful, shinning Christian.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Don’t make your life offensive; make it winsome for Christ.
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