The preaching event involves not only God, the preacher and the biblical text, but the people who listen to the sermon. Unfortunately, writing and teaching in the field of preaching has focused predominantly on getting the text right (exegesis), getting the style right (rhetoric) and most importantly getting God right (theology). These are, no doubt, essential concerns and skills for effective preaching, but something is missing. Getting the listener right is a paramount, though often neglected, consideration in preaching today.
Effective sermons engage the varied listening styles represented in the congregation. Too often, we preachers become stylistically self-absorbed. We are tempted to let our stylistic preferences dominate our preaching. The only problem with my preferences is that they center on me, the preacher, not the needs of the people to whom I preach. Sometimes we preachers promote our personal style from preference to principle without realizing we're doing it.
Our preferred preaching style matters but no more, and perhaps less, than the listening styles of the people to whom we preach. The most fruitful preachers have learned to overcome their personal preferences in order to address the diverse needs of listeners. Let's explore four primary ways listeners engage sermons so our preaching can impact more lives.
1. Some Listen with the Mind for Exegetical Information
Some people want the sermon more than anything else to inform them concerning the world in which the Bible is set. People who want to be in the biblical know care deeply about the meaning of words and the historical background of the text you're preaching. You can see these listeners perking up and jotting notes when the preacher shares an informative exegetical gem. They actually do want to know what happened to the Jebusites!
These listeners typically want a logical sermon outline with clear points drawn from the deep study of one biblical text. People who listen to the sermon for information tend to appreciate sermons titled: "3 Conflicts in the Corinthian Congregation," "Principles of Love According to Ecclesiastes 4:9-12" and "Learning from the Seven Churches in Revelation."
Can you picture someone in your congregation who listens to the sermon with the mind for information? Dave wanted my sermons to drip with exegetical meat. No word study could be too detailed, no historical background too exhaustive for Dave. When I wrote my sermon, I pictured how Dave and those similar to him would receive it.
2. Some Listen with the Heart for Illustrative Inspiration
Many people listen to the sermon primarily for inspiration, not information. This is not to say the inspirational sermon cannot inform; it's just that the primary aim is inspiration. These listeners want their hearts touched through the message. They want to be inspired to live for Christ in the world. These listeners often check out during the Greek word studies but lean forward to hear illustrations that hit the heart. More than other types of listeners, those who listen with the heart appreciate the testimonial accounts of the preacher—including when they're overdone! They don't care much about the logic and flow of the sermon as long as stories for the heart are interspersed throughout the message. Some inspirational sermon titles might include: "God Comforts the Broken-Hearted," "You Matter to God" "God Can Redeem Your Dark Past."
Joe seemed to access my sermons through his heart. There were many Sundays when I saw tears flow from his eyes, especially while I told stories about God's gracious, life-transforming interactions with people. Do you have some Joes in your congregation? If so, picture their faces as you develop the sermon.
3. Some Listen with the Soul for Theological Reflection
Listeners who crave the space for deep theological reflection are similar to those who are engaged via exegetical information. The distinction is that the information-hungry listeners want to get into the details of the Bible passage, while theologically reflective listeners want to focus on the forest rather than the trees. People who listen to the sermon mostly for theological reflection want to explore and grasp the nature and purposes of God.
While most listeners are comfortable with concrete language, theologically reflective listeners feel right at home in the conceptual realm. Examples of sermon titles for reflective listeners might be: "Why Is There Pain in a World that a Loving God Created?," "Implications of the Incarnation" and "The Trinity as a Model for Christian Community."
Patrick listens with the soul for theological reflection. After my sermon was delivered, he often wanted to discuss other angles on my topic that I failed to consider. He didn't do this arrogantly; he just enjoyed having thoughtful theological discussions that related, even if loosely, to the sermon. He didn't accept simple answers to thoughtful theological questions. Do you have a Patrick or two in your congregation, someone who wants the sermon to create space for reflection from various theological vantage points? Include in the sermon what will engage those listeners.
4. Some Listen with the Hands for Practical Application
There are people who listen to the sermon for practical wisdom they immediately can apply to their lives. They want the sermon to give them something they can do now to live for God. These application-oriented listeners are not chiefly interested in theological reflection, hearty inspiration or exegetical information alone; they are doers who want the sermon to provide practical life application.
If the sermon is of the linear propositional sort, it should delineate application with every point. The narrative sermon, built on plot rather than points also should explore several avenues for application. Here are some sermon titles that might fall into this category: "How to Develop a Healthy Marriage," "Ways to Develop Your Relationship with Christ" and "5 Insights for Holy Time Management."
Rich worked on Wall Street. He is a bottom-line guy in a bottom-line world. While he needs to be stretched toward theological reflection, he must be able to see the light of application at the end of the sermonic tunnel. To ensure that my sermons have ample application, I think of Rich. I ask myself questions such as, "How will the biblical theology of my sermon apply to marriage, dating and parenting, to finances, work, and emotions?" Think of the Rich in your congregation when you write your sermons.
Your congregation consists of diverse people who listen with their minds for exegetical information, their hearts for illustrative inspiration, their souls for theological reflection, and their hands for practical application. No listener should be put in an airtight box, however, because the preaching needs of that particular listener may change, sometimes week to week.
On any given Sunday, worshipers show up hungry to reflect on the deeper questions of the souls because their coworkers are asking those tough questions. The following week, they show up wanting practical application they can embody in new dating relationships. The week after that, they hope the sermon will provide the information and inspiration needed from God's Word to help with career decisions. The diverse and shifting needs of listeners require the preacher to connect as much as possible with those who listen for information, inspiration, reflection and application.
Practical Exercises Snapshots: Identify people in your congregation who typify one of the four primary ways listeners engage the sermon. Once you have identified a person for each listening style, put their pictures in the four corners of your computer screen as you write the sermon. This practice may seem strange, but it works—trust me. Just make sure one of the four people doesn't walk in while you're writing the sermon. That could be a problem.
Single Sermon: Consider ways your upcoming sermon can intersect with the four kinds of listeners. What parts of your sermon will inform and inspire, as well as make room for reflection and application? After you write the first draft of the sermon, designate each major move or part with information, inspiration, reflection or application. Discern which listener needs are neglected or overused. Then, edit the sermon to connect with more listeners.
Sermon Series: Sketch out a four-week sermon series, designing each sermon to address primarily one of the four listener needs. Week one of the series might be developed to appeal mostly to those who listen with the heart for inspiration. Week two can be designed mostly to address those who listen with the mind for information. Write the sermon for week three to appeal mostly to those who listen with the soul for reflection. Finally, the fourth sermon might be written to engage those who listen with their hands for application. The order of the four can vary, though the progression from inspiration to information to reflection to application works extremely well for the sermon series and the stand-alone sermon.
Lenny Luchetti is Associate professor of proclamation and Christian ministry at Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, Indiana. You can follow him on Twitter @LennyLuchetti.
Thursday, 31 July 2014
4 Ways Pastors Can Better Connect with Listeners By Lenny Luchetti
N Is for Nazareth By Russell Moore
Christians around the world are changing their social media avatars to the arabic letter “n.” In so doing, these Christians are reminding others around them to pray, and to stand in solidarity with believers in Iraq who are being driven from their homes, and from their country, by Islamic militants. The Arabic letter comes from the mark the ISIS militants are placing on the homes of known Christians. “N” is for “Nazarene,” those who follow Jesus of Nazareth. Perhaps it’s a good time to reflect on why Nazareth matters, to all of us. The truth that our Lord is a Nazarene is a sign to us of both the rooted locality and the global solidarity of the church.
Jesus is from somewhere. Yes, the eternal Son of God transcends time and space. He was with the Father and the Spirit in love and glory “before the world was” (Jn. 17:5). But in his Incarnation, Jesus identified with a tribe, with a genealogy, with a hometown.
He “went and lived in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled: ‘He shall be called a Nazarene” (Matt. 2:23). Some of Jesus’ contemporaries rejected him because of where he was from. Nathaniel infamously asked Philip, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” (Jn. 1:46). His question is entirely sensible. Nazareth was a powerless backwater, not the sort of urban, elite center that we are told drives cultural change. Philip’s response wasn’t an argument about Nazareth; it was simply to say, “Come and see.”
For some, the issue wasn’t just Nazareth particularly but rootedness itself. “But we know where this man comes from, and when the Christ appears, no one will know where he comes from” (Jn. 7:27). They were quite mistaken. It is “the Beast” who is from nowhere, “rising out of the sea” (Rev. 13:1), representing humanity in its origins-denying self-exaltation (Rev. 13:18). Our Lord Jesus, on the other hand, is from “the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations” (Isa. 9:1). We know where this man is from.
Nazareth, though, reminds us that God’s purposes are global, transcending our tribal and national categories. When Jesus preached in his hometown synagogue in Nazareth, he was received with joy and awe, until he told his fellow villagers that they really didn’t understand what he was saying. Jesus demonstrated that God’s purposes had always gone “outside the camp.” He showed how God had raised a Gentile woman’s son, and healed a Syrian leper. (Lk. 4:24-27). In Nazareth, Jesus was setting the stage for the Great Commission, as the Spirit drove the church to all of the nations (Acts 1).
God embedded us with a need to love home. When that’s absent what fills its place is pride and ingratitude, as though we came from no one and we are dependent upon no one. When a hurricane warning is issued for south Florida, I pay attention. But when one is issued for the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, my hometown, I’m riveted. That’s the way it’s supposed to be.
In Christ, we have been brought into the life of Jesus. We are hidden with him, joined to him as a body to a head (Col. 3: Eph. 5). This means that, in a very real sense, Nazareth is our hometown. We belong to Jesus, and Jesus belongs to Nazareth. We are connected then to everyone who is also in Christ, not simply because we believe the same things but because we belong to the same Body.
We are “one new man,” and “fellow citizens with the saints, and members of the household of God” (Eph. 2:15, 19). That’s why Christians in America and Australia and Nigeria ought to care, and to pray fervently, for persecuted Christians in Iraq, in Sudan, and everywhere else in the world where they are endangered.
The Islamic militants mean it for evil when they mark homes with “N” for “Nazarene.” They assume it’s an insult, an emblem of shame. Others once thought that of the cross. But in that intended slight, we are reminded of who we are, and why we belong to one another, across the barriers of space and time and language and nationality. We are Christians. We are citizens of the New Jerusalem. We are Nazarenes all.
The church may be hounded and jailed and even crucified. But the church can never be beheaded. The Head of the Church is alive, and engaged, and on his way back. In the meantime, there will always be those who will ask, “Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?” Our answer, from now until the Eastern skies explode should be simple: “Come and see.”
DCLM Daily Manna - Thursday, July 31, 2014
It's In The Life You Live
Thursday, July 31, 2014
KEY VERSE: “Thou shalt not curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling block before the blind, but shalt fear thy God: I am the LORD” (Leviticus 19:14).
If we let the Bible rule our thoughts and personal conduct, we will have the right attitude toward everybody. It helps us to act the way Christians should in all our relationships with others.
In the passage of Scriptures for today, we see God’s demand on his people for discretion and righteousness in their relationship with all men. True believers are the people of God. We are to be mindful of the safety of those that cannot help themselves. The disabled, the disadvantaged, the defenseless and minors are not to be taken advantage of. We are to fear the Lord. Believers in position of authority are to be different from the world. They are to dispense justice without fear, compromise or regard to persons, for such behaviours are an abomination in the sight of God.
Every true believer is expected to be a soul winner and never a waster. To this end, we are to warn sinners daily of the doom and the consequences of sin by effectively presenting the gospel to them. We should not permit sin by not preaching to them, otherwise, we ourselves become guilty of sin and liable to judgment (Ezekiel 3:18). The believer is not a slanderer. He allows the Spirit’s control over his passions and emotions, and he takes care not to offend in word or in deed.
Some of the greatest proofs of a true relationship with Christ is the possession of God’s love in the heart towards others and the fact that we keep His commandments. The genuineness of our profession is not measured by the high-sounding words of the testimony we give, but by the fruits of obedience which show forth in our lives. Strive to be a fruitful, shinning Christian.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Don’t make your life offensive; make it winsome for Christ.
SPIRIT MEAT 31/07/2014
JOHN 15:13 – 15
Ask him questions, if possible. Don’t go around displaying your intelligence. You must know when to be quiet and listen and when to talk. Many people miss it here: they are consumed with their own intelligence and they get a mentor to close up instead of opening up to them. Don’t make this mistake.
6. Don’t be frivolous with them. Don’t go beyond the space they allow you. Carry yourself with an air of respect, respectability and sensitivity around them. Be humble without being inferior. Be free without being intrusive.
7. You must pass the test of friendship with them. Jn. 15:13-15. What is this test? You must first prove yourself a servant to them not a slave. Carry an air of servant hood around. Look for ways to serve them. Let them lift you to the level of friendship, don’t invite yourself there. Even if a friend of theirs introduces you, maintain your quietness. Let them determine the next move. Be careful not to close a door that could lead you into greatness. Remember ‘the gift of a man makes room for him and brings him before great men.” But it is the sensitivity, character and behaviour that will keep you there.
8. Maintain the proper POSITION and POSTURE around them. You must know that where you give orders as a leader is different from where you are to receive instructions. Posture can affect the level of flow that you get from them.
PRAYER: Father, help me to pass my test around my spiritual father and leaders you have placed in my life. I receive wisdom to know the right question and the right time to ask them in Jesus name.
DAILY BIBLE READING : 2 Chronicles 29:1-36, Romans 14:1-23, Psalm 24:1-10, Proverbs 20:12
Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I
command you. John 15:14
1 Samuel 20:16-17
1 Samuel 20:16-17
16 So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, Let the LORD even require it at the hand of David's enemies.
17 And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
17 And Jonathan caused David to swear again, because he loved him: for he loved him as he loved his own soul.
Matthew 16:5-18:35; Job 13:17-14:6
A friend is someone who you share your
heart with and who you can trust. A friend is also a person you like a lot. There are different categories of friends. There is a friend in need who is a friend indeed. This is a friend who helps you when you really need help. Ideally, friendship is reciprocal and the Bible enjoins those who have friends to reciprocate with a friendly attitude. Proverbs 18:24 says: “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Jonathan was a friend indeed to David. He could perceive that David would succeed his father - Saul as king. Although this was a threat to his own personal ambition of becoming the king of Israel, nevertheless he loved David as his own soul. Are you a friend indeed? There are many so called friends who will always scheme to frustrate and destroy the destinies of others. Such
people cannot be described as friends
indeed. With such friends, who needs
enemies? There are people who say they
are your friends but will treat you badly.
One of such persons is Judas Iscariot the betrayer. In Matthew 26:14-16, Judas Iscariot sold out the Lord Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. What type of friend are you, Jonathan or Judas Iscariot? Friends, no matter how sincere, can change. There have been cases of people who started as friends indeed but later became betrayers. There are also those who started as betrayers but later became friends indeed. The greatest issue is not
who you are presently but who you will
eventually turn out to be. Will you turn out to be a friend indeed or a betrayer? There are also situations where friends who are friends indeed disappoint. This might not be because such people are betrayers but because they are human. As human beings, we have our limitations, and there is an extent to which the most sincere of men can help. Who then is the best friend indeed? Jesus! He is the only one who will never disappoint. He knows the worst about you yet He loves you all the same. He is the best friend indeed. Since friendship should be reciprocal, who are the friends of Jesus?
The Lord explains this in John 15:14, He
said his friends are the ones that obey His commandments. Have you been doing whatever Christ commands? Such
commandments include the injunction to live holy. Are you living holy? Do you follow peace with your fellow men? Everyone who claims to be a friend of Jesus should pay their tithes and offerings and also witness for Him. Are you His friend indeed?
heart with and who you can trust. A friend is also a person you like a lot. There are different categories of friends. There is a friend in need who is a friend indeed. This is a friend who helps you when you really need help. Ideally, friendship is reciprocal and the Bible enjoins those who have friends to reciprocate with a friendly attitude. Proverbs 18:24 says: “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Jonathan was a friend indeed to David. He could perceive that David would succeed his father - Saul as king. Although this was a threat to his own personal ambition of becoming the king of Israel, nevertheless he loved David as his own soul. Are you a friend indeed? There are many so called friends who will always scheme to frustrate and destroy the destinies of others. Such
people cannot be described as friends
indeed. With such friends, who needs
enemies? There are people who say they
are your friends but will treat you badly.
One of such persons is Judas Iscariot the betrayer. In Matthew 26:14-16, Judas Iscariot sold out the Lord Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. What type of friend are you, Jonathan or Judas Iscariot? Friends, no matter how sincere, can change. There have been cases of people who started as friends indeed but later became betrayers. There are also those who started as betrayers but later became friends indeed. The greatest issue is not
who you are presently but who you will
eventually turn out to be. Will you turn out to be a friend indeed or a betrayer? There are also situations where friends who are friends indeed disappoint. This might not be because such people are betrayers but because they are human. As human beings, we have our limitations, and there is an extent to which the most sincere of men can help. Who then is the best friend indeed? Jesus! He is the only one who will never disappoint. He knows the worst about you yet He loves you all the same. He is the best friend indeed. Since friendship should be reciprocal, who are the friends of Jesus?
The Lord explains this in John 15:14, He
said his friends are the ones that obey His commandments. Have you been doing whatever Christ commands? Such
commandments include the injunction to live holy. Are you living holy? Do you follow peace with your fellow men? Everyone who claims to be a friend of Jesus should pay their tithes and offerings and also witness for Him. Are you His friend indeed?
The sincerity of our friendship with Christ hinges on obedience to His
The sincerity of our friendship with Christ hinges on obedience to His
Wednesday, 30 July 2014
D: The Purpose of the Law and Grace
The Purpose of the Law and Grace
Author: Creflo Dollar
Author: Creflo Dollar
Many times we do not understand the deep plans and purposes of God. Without the divine wisdom to comprehend these spiritual truths, we won’t understand how to operate according to the new covenant of grace. For instance, instead of receiving what Jesus has done for us, we will be confused and try to accomplish what only Jesus can accomplish in our lives. We will try to make Him do something He has already done. However, when we receive a revelation of the purpose of the Law and grace, we can embrace Jesus and His finished work—all that He is, and all He did for us when He sacrificed His life.
Many times we do not understand the deep plans and purposes of God. Without the divine wisdom to comprehend these spiritual truths, we won’t understand how to operate according to the new covenant of grace. For instance, instead of receiving what Jesus has done for us, we will be confused and try to accomplish what only Jesus can accomplish in our lives. We will try to make Him do something He has already done. However, when we receive a revelation of the purpose of the Law and grace, we can embrace Jesus and His finished work—all that He is, and all He did for us when He sacrificed His life.
“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
When Jesus came to the earth, He was full of grace and truth (John 1:14-17).
Therefore, He was and is grace personified.
He has delivered unto us tender, loving kindness, and mercy.
“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17).
The Law shed the light on sin, making people’s sin and trespasses more apparent (Romans 5:20, AMP).
Sin is defined and determined by the making of a law against it. Therefore, the strength of sin is the Law (1 Corinthians 15:56).
Satan cannot tempt us with something that there is no law against.
The Law is not sin. It is perfect, so perfect that it points out the flaws of people (Romans 7:1-14, AMP).
The Law illustrated a need for God always. No one could keep all the Law.
To disobey one of the laws (the Ten Commandments and the 600 plus laws that derived from them) was to disobey them all.
When Jesus came to the earth, He was full of grace and truth (John 1:14-17).
Therefore, He was and is grace personified.
He has delivered unto us tender, loving kindness, and mercy.
“For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1:17).
The Law shed the light on sin, making people’s sin and trespasses more apparent (Romans 5:20, AMP).
Sin is defined and determined by the making of a law against it. Therefore, the strength of sin is the Law (1 Corinthians 15:56).
Satan cannot tempt us with something that there is no law against.
The Law is not sin. It is perfect, so perfect that it points out the flaws of people (Romans 7:1-14, AMP).
The Law illustrated a need for God always. No one could keep all the Law.
To disobey one of the laws (the Ten Commandments and the 600 plus laws that derived from them) was to disobey them all.
“No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment: else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worse. And no man putteth new wine into old bottles: else the new wine doth burst the bottles, and the wine is spilled, and the bottles will be marred: but new wine must be put into new bottles” (Mark 2:21-22).
In this way, mixing the old with the new can make things worse.
We receive nothing at all when we try to mix the old covenant of the Law with the new covenant of grace.
It causes confusion to try to mix two ways of thinking—freedom from the Law and trying to fulfill the requirements of the Law.
The Ten Commandments were glorious; they accomplished their purpose (2 Corinthians 3:7).
The glory appeared on Moses’ face as a symbolic representation of the glory of the Ten Commandments (2 Corinthians 3:7-13, AMP).
The glory that vanished from Moses’ face after receiving the Ten Commandments foreshadowed the coming of the new covenant.
The new covenant is not like the old one. Under the new covenant, we have God’s mercy for our unrighteousness (Hebrews 8:12, AMP).
God does not depend on our faithfulness. Even when we are not faithful to Him, He remains faithful to us (2 Timothy 2:13, AMP).
Jesus has given us a new commandment; we are to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34-35).
He gives us His love. We cannot truly love each other without His love.
God’s law of love is written on our hearts. Without the God kind of love, we are bankrupt (Romans 8:3-4, Hebrews 8:8-13, AMP).
When we allow the God kind of love to rule in our hearts, we will meet the requirements of the Law (or fulfill the spirit of the Law) (Romans 13:10).
In this way, mixing the old with the new can make things worse.
We receive nothing at all when we try to mix the old covenant of the Law with the new covenant of grace.
It causes confusion to try to mix two ways of thinking—freedom from the Law and trying to fulfill the requirements of the Law.
The Ten Commandments were glorious; they accomplished their purpose (2 Corinthians 3:7).
The glory appeared on Moses’ face as a symbolic representation of the glory of the Ten Commandments (2 Corinthians 3:7-13, AMP).
The glory that vanished from Moses’ face after receiving the Ten Commandments foreshadowed the coming of the new covenant.
The new covenant is not like the old one. Under the new covenant, we have God’s mercy for our unrighteousness (Hebrews 8:12, AMP).
God does not depend on our faithfulness. Even when we are not faithful to Him, He remains faithful to us (2 Timothy 2:13, AMP).
Jesus has given us a new commandment; we are to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:34-35).
He gives us His love. We cannot truly love each other without His love.
God’s law of love is written on our hearts. Without the God kind of love, we are bankrupt (Romans 8:3-4, Hebrews 8:8-13, AMP).
When we allow the God kind of love to rule in our hearts, we will meet the requirements of the Law (or fulfill the spirit of the Law) (Romans 13:10).
Scripture References
John 1:14-17
Romans 5:20, AMP
1 Corinthians 15:56
Romans 7:1-14, AMP
Mark 2:21-22
2 Corinthians 3:7-13, AMP
Hebrews 8:8-13, AMP
2 Timothy 2:13, AMP
John 13:34-35
Romans 8:3-4
Romans 13:10
An interesting Story.
I, Sarah Adams take you, Lawson Kuti as my lawful wedded husband, to love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do us part” she smiled at him through her veil.
“You may now kiss your bride Mr. Lawson” The Pastor beckoned.
Lawson’s heart raced as he gently unveiled his bride’s face. She looked so beautiful. He gently bent over and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Sarah in turn embraced him tightly with tears of joy streaming down her face.
“Never leave me Sarah” He whispered in her ear.
“I will never leave you” she whispered and they slowly released themselves from the embrace.
“I present to you the latest couple!” The Pastor exclaimed excitedly
The church cheered and Sarah cried more in her husband’s arms
5 years Later
Sarah silently tip toed behind her husband. He was in his study, engrossed in reading. She smiled to herself and gently covered his eyes with both hands.
“It’s just you and I in this house Sara, plus, I smelled you the moment you walked in” He dropped
Sara released her hold, sighed and sat on the study table, “Why do you figure me out so easily? I can’t even surprise you! That sucks” she curled her arms around his neck
“You are my wife, nothing you do is supposed to surprise me” He playfully pecked her nose.
“But you’ve been in the study all day and I’m bored!” She rolled her eyes
“So what kind of fun do you suggest we have then?” He swooped her off the table in his arms
“No! no that kind of fun!” She hit him playfully till he put her down
“Ok”, He folded his arms on his chest, looking into her eyes, “So what do you want us to do?”
“Not us. Actually, all I want is to play with your play station and you’ve hidden it again! Just give it to me and you can continue your reading, pleaaaseee” She blinked her eyes playfully
“No way”, He went back toward his study chair and sat, “Not my play station”
“Why! You never let me touch it…like its your baby” She sulked
“Well”, he rolled his eyes, “Not like you’ve given me a baby yet”
Sara paused for a moment. Did he just say that to her? The words struck her deep down
“You shouldn’t have said that Lawson…” She managed to say, her countenance changing.
“But it’s true…I’m only saying the truth Sara” He turned to face her, still sitting on the chair.
“The truth? You think I don’t want us to have kids?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that…” He stood to face her now.
“Then what are you saying Lawson? Tell me, what is the truth?”
“Let’s not do this today…please. You can have the play station and play all you want. It’s in my footwear locker and the key is in my Bible”
“You always do this…hurting me with your words” Her voice began to shake
“Don’t start Sara please”
“Tell me why you said those words to me! I want to know!”
“Because I’m tired! I want to be a father! I want to have my own kids Sara…”
” and you think I don’t?!” Sara flared, trying not to let the tears pour
“Then why can’t you get pregnant Sara? This is the fifth year we are trying.” He clenched his teeth and walked out of the study room.
Sara was in shock. She sat on the chair for some seconds, stood up again and sat on the chair again…this time she held on to her blouse and burst into tears.
2weeks after
“Lawson, wake up please” Sara tapped him
Lawson gently opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock by his bedside, “It’s 2:00am Sara…”
“It’s urgent”
“I’m listening” He said drowsily
“Mother says we should come for tests. She says she’s spoken to her doctor and he said we should come.”
“What?” Lawson opened his eyes now, “Your mother is in the UK for Christ’s sakes”
“Let’s just do it. We can go for the weekend, lets just give it a shot, please.”
“No. That would be rather expensive and…”
“It’s my birthday today and the only thing I want from you is this trip”
Lawson fell quiet now. For the past two years now, his wife’s birthday skips his mind…totally.
“I’m…I’m sorry Sara…It skipped my mind…”
“It always does” She lay down back on the bed, backing him.
Lawson wrapped his arms around her waist, “I said I’m sorry…”
No response.
Lawson sighed, “Fine, we go this weekend”
“Really?” She turned sharply, excited
“If it will make you happy today”
“Thank you baby” She hugged him.
A week after
Sara jerked at the vibration of the phone in her pocket.
“Hi mom!” she pressed the phone to her ear with her shoulders, wiping the washed dishes with her hands.
“What is it mom?” she pressed it harder
“The result…the result of the tests…” her mother cried
Sarah gently dropped the plate and the wiper, hear racing…”Just say it mom…”
That night
“I can never have children Lawson…” Sara cried
Lawson felt his world crash right in front of him, “W…what?”
“Mama called today…she’s gotten the tests results”
“Jesus Christ” Lawson stood, placing his palm on his head, “b…but you told me you were ok before we got married, you told me the doctor said your abortion didn’t damage your womb”
“Don’t bring my past into this!” Sara flared
Lawson laughed and got serious almost immediately, “You are crazy. I married a crazy woman!”
Sara looked at him in shock, like he’d lost his mind.
“The results say you can never have children and we both know that this has to do with the abortion you had before we met!”, he flared, “are you happy?…you know we’re screwed right? No kids? what re we going to tell the world?”
“Lawson we can adopt…” Sara cried
“Adopt? Wow!”, he laughed again, “I married a funny woman too!” He got serious again, “Its still not our baby! The damn baby is not my flesh and blood! You are full of deceit Sara” He looked into her eyes. Sara could see him fighting his tears.
“Lawson stop…you are hurting me…” Sara fell on her knees crying
“You want to know what I’m thinking?” Lawson looked at her with disgust, “I’m thinking how on earth I’m going to stand seeing your deceitful face for the rest of my life”
“Sara cried harder, “Dont give up Lawson…So far I have a womb…I can still carry our baby…”
“I am not giving up on having my baby, I’m giving up on you” Lawson turned around to leave
“Lawson!” She held his feet, “I’m hurting too…”
He only dragged his feet from her hold and drove out of the house. She wept.
A month Later
“Mother, he’s not even talking to me. All of a sudden we are both strangers…He doesn’t eat my food, comes home late…he hates me so much and it’s killing me. I’m confused…to think that it’s truly hurting…”
“For how long will you hide this truth from him. You’ve got to let him know…you can’t carry his…”
There was the sound of a car horn
“Mom I’ve got to go…he’s back”
“Baby, you’ve got to let him know. It can work when you two are one in mind”
“Bye mom” she ended the call.
Lawson came into the house, about to walk past her.
“Lawson” She held him
“I’m tired” He didn’t want to look at her face
“I know…can we talk for some minutes?” She tried to help him remove his suit
“Look what is it” He jerked from her
“Do you hate me this much? you can’t even look me in the eye? you can’t even stand my sight? Lawson…it’s me Sara…your best friend…” Her eyes grew moist
“I’m in no mood for this” He turned around to walk away
“Don’t you dare leave when I’m talking to you!” She dragged him by the suit. Just then, some papers fell to the floor. Sara quickly bent to pick them up…her hands shook and her body became numb all over.
“D…divorce papers? Lawson?” She searched his eyes
“Answer me goddammit!” She held him by the collar of his shirt, crying
“They are for you to sign. I want to be out” Lawson dropped
“Y…you what?” she slowly freed him from her hold
“It’s not going to work Sara, can’t you see?”
“Lawson I can’t believe you would think of a divorce and even go this far…why are you so wicked!” she cried, angry
“No! Why are you so wicked!” He retorted, flaring
“Think about me for once. I am a man for Christ’s sakes. My children are my pride! and you are about to deny me that for the rest of my life because of your stupid mistake!”
“What about me! have you stopped for once to think about what I’m going through”
“It’s your cross, carry it” Lawson fixed his angry eyes on his wife
“No, its now our cross and I am not signing those divorce papers! We vowed never to leave each other!”
“Isn’t it better Sara that you save yourself more hurt and sign these papers than to see another woman move into this house before your very eyes?” he said with a tone of sarcasm
Sara’s heart thumped, “What?”
“You heard me…another woman who can help raise a family, so save yourself the stress and sign the damn papers. I need it tomorrow”He turned around to leave again
“She still can’t carry your baby” Sara dropped
“Not all women had abortions. Not every woman was like you.” He scorned
“You are the one who can’t give me a child!” Sara let out, crying.
Lawson stopped now, turned around and walked towards her, “Whatever your plan is won’t work”
“I told you I could never have a child because its you who can’t make me pregnant”
“Shut up! shut up Sara! what the hell are you saying!” He shook her shoulders violently
“You are infertile Lawson…the doctor says you have primary infertility…” Sara burst into tears
Lawson gasped, loosing his balance.
“Mother called me to give me the news. I was shattered, I felt like my world was over but more importantly I thought of you. I thought of what the news could do to you, I thought of the best way to tell you… never for once did i think of leaving you. I bore your insults, your scorn, because of my past. It was so easy to judge me and think of yourself. I am the one who is hurting, I am the one who should bring some miserable divorce papers…but I thought of you…I thought of hope, faith and a miracle…I thought of my vow to you on that altar. In sickness and in health remember?”, she smiled through her tears, “all of a sudden you are as weak as a baby…looking in your eyes, I can see you sudenly have lost all your guards, You are so wicked”
“Sara…” Lawson fell on his knees, torn.
“No!” She quickly fell on her knees too, “No Lawson…” She couldn’t bear to see him cry
“I’m…I’m infertile”, he cried, “What is left of me?” he searched his wife’s eyes
“Lawson please…” she held his face, “I understand…it has been so hard for me…I have put myself in your shoes since the first day…”
“You don’t deserve this…you deserve better…I can’t believe I scorned you all along…please let me leave you”
“No” she shook her head, “You are my husband. I won’t leave you. I won’t let you leave me…I believe in miracles”
“I’m doomed…Sara I’m doomed…”He allowed his wife take him in her arms and on her shoulder he wept like a child.
In the Morning
Sara gently opened her eyes, looking beside her bed…it was empty. She quickly sat up on seeing a note gently placed on the bed. Hands shaking, she opened the letter to read.
I cannot bear the shame. I have treated you so unfairly, yet you love me still, you are with me even in this condition of mine. To think that you knew all along and you never for once gave me a clue that it is my fault we are in this mess, makes me so unworthy of you. I love you enough to let you build another life with a man who can make you happier. I’m torn Sara and all I ask is your forgiveness. I have always loved you and if you truly love me then please start your life over again…without me…I am truly sorry for disappointing you.
Sara couldn’t control the tears. She couldn’t think straight anymore. She picked her cell phone, shaking…
“Hi Mr. Lawson’s office please”
“Hi Lola…” she cried, “have you seen my husband today?”
“No…no ma’am, we’ve been expecting him at work. He has a presentation is fifteen minutes”
“Oh God…God…” Sara dipped her hand in her full hair
“Everything ok ma’am?”
“Thank you” she ended the call.
She quickly got down from the bed and in her pyjamas she ran into her car. She dialed his number repeatedly as she drove…no answer.
At 2:00pm
She sped into Fred’s compound, a close friend to her husband.
“Fred!” she banged the door hastily till the door flung open
“My God Sara what’s wrong?” Fred held her
“It’s…it’s Lawson…have you seen him? is he here?”
“No…Haven’t heard from him in a week”
“Oh God” she held her hair
“What’s wrong?”
But she was already walking away into her car.
“Sara!” He called after her.
She zoomed away.
“Mom, Dad, I can’t find Lawson…I can’t find your son…” she cried as she paced in front of the two who looked lost
“You have to calm down and tell us what happened” Lawson’s mother put her arms around Sara.
Sara burst into tears, “Please Dad could you try his number, maybe he’d pick your call?”
“Have you been to his office?” He picked his cellphone and dialed his son’s number
“I have been everywhere I know him to be likely available”
“It’s ok…calm down please” Lawson’s mother pet her
“He’s not picking. What exactly went wrong between you two?” Lawson’s father searched Sara’a eyes
Sara was still in her pyjamas and on her way back home, exhausted and stuck in the traffic. She had told Lawson’s parents everything. The poor couple was so shattered and also begging her to begin a new life. Sara buried her head on the steering, crying; she hadn’t realized the green light.
“Hey get off the freaking road!” a driver cursed from behind her
“God please don’t let him harm himself…keep him safe and lead me to him…please God…” she quickly started the car and began to move.
Suddenly she remembered the church where they wedded and took their vows. It was two hours from here; she made a u-turn and headed for the church hoping to find some peace.
She tiredly got down from the car, drenched and exhausted. She trudged into the open entrance of the church. She paused for a moment; shocked…it was Lawson sitting at the front row of the empty church, facing the altar.
“Lawson!” She began to run towards him, happy, relieved that he was ok.
“Sara?” He quickly stood as she approached him, “Sara…”
They both ran into each other’s arms. He hugged her so tightly
“I looked for you everywhere….this was the last place I thought you’d ever be…I just came and I saw you…Lawson….I’m so happy you are ok” she touched his face
“I didn’t know where else to go…It just feels like I cant face the world anymore…” he slowly released her from his embrace.
“Take my hand” Sara stretched out her hand, “C’mon, just take it”
Lawson gently clasped his hand into hers and she took him to the altar and stood to face him. She searched his eyes so deeply and hadn’t seen him so weak and helpless.
“Five years ago Lawson, we both stood on this altar. Remember our vows? Remember you whispered in my ear never to leave you. I told you I wouldn’t…that’s why I’m here. I am your wife Lawson, I am meant to be with you forever, though the bad and good times. We’ve had good times, why would I leave you now? All I want from you is to believe that you can still give me a child despite what the result said…I want you to believe in a miracle”, she held his face, “remember when you told me I was a miracle in your life?…our children will be our miracles too. Trust God with me because I know it won’t be long…”
“Who are you Sara…” Lawson was weak with her words
“The one who vowed to be with you till the end” she smiled through her thin tears
“God I love you so much Sara” He hugged her again
“So will you come back home with me?” Sara searched his eyes
“I have no other place to call home” He placed a soft kiss on her lips.
2 years after
Lawson and Sara were on the sofa watching a late night movie. Sara was resting on his shoulders when she felt the movement
“Lawson Lawson, it moved again…don’t miss it this time touch touch” she gently placed his palm on the side of the stomach. Both felt the movement of their child
“I can feel him…I can feel him” Lawson placed his head on her belly
“I can feel him growing each day inside of me…”
“What do you think its saying now by this movement?”
“Thank you dada for believing in me” she laughed. They both laughed “The movement has stopped” he slowly removed his head from her stomach, “I think he’s sleeping”
Sara rested on his shoulders again, “In six months you’d be a father, “You finally got your miracle”
Lawson tilted his wife’s face to him, looking into her eyes, “Sara…you were the miracle I needed. Thank you for not leaving me.”
Sara tickled his nose with hers, “I love you too. Always will”, she smiled, “We missed a whole lot on our movie”
“Movie can wait, but this can’t” He gently planted a kiss on her belly.
Hi Friends,
First, we forget our vows so easily, so quickly that once our marriages start hitting the rocks, we fail to realize that there is power in union. When there is union, every mountain can be subdued. The problem is people don’t yet understand the concept of marriage and trust me, until you do, please don’t go to the alter because what you don’t understand will eventually become a burden and confuse you. The concept of marriage is ‘for better, for worse’. The ‘worse’ moments always come. I am not saying expect bad things but I’m saying that challenges come in marriage to make you stronger in oneness so don’t use it against yourselves.
Second, miracles are real and I hope we all learn to have the patience to have our miracles in the end. Remember that marriage is a ‘stick and stay’ relationship not a ‘hit and run’ thing.
Remember your vows each day, enjoy your marriage, you deserve it!
Culled from: Nigerianweddings.
Photo: Still Life Media
D: DCLM Daily Manna - Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Care For Them
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
KEY VERSE: “And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger: I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 19:10).
The phrase, “God’s preferential option for the poor” was coined by some religious scholars. This, they use to describe the special attention God pays to the poor and the disadvantaged as reflected in both the Old and New Testaments. Truly, the poor easily gets God’s attention because of their disposition that befits the grace of God. But in a world that runs on the principle of “the survival of the fittest,” who cares for the poor? Even a pastor of a gospel church was heard sometime ago announcing to his congregation that his church was not for the poor. How absurd!
In today’s text, we find sundry ceremonial and moral precepts God gave to the children of Israel through Moses. They contain principles that should get us sure-footed on the path of righteousness. Israel was reminded that they were dealing with a holy God and as such were expected to be holy themselves. Even so are we, that are by redemption affiliated to the same God of holiness expected to be holy. This holiness consists in our duties to God and to man.
Verses 9 and 10, however, draw attention to God’s concern for the poor and the disadvantaged. The Jews were required to deliberately leave their corn-fields and vineyards after harvesting for the poor to pick up the leftover. God expects the piety of His people to incorporate benevolence - making provision for the poor and needy.
The people of the world may continue with their greed, avarice and covetousness, but those who have tasted of the grace of God and in whose hearts the love of God is shed abroad have no excuse to neglect this duty of caring for the poor and disadvantaged. Look around, see the poor and, as much as it lies in you, help put a smile on their faces. Indeed, when you share your blessings with the less privileged, those blessing become multiplied. In attending to the poor though, let’s strike a balance. Don’t become a god to anyone and do not allow your benevolence to promote idleness.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Holiness does not make us insensitive to people’s need.
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
As Christians, we have an extraordinary amplitude of comprehension because the wisdom of God is in our spirits. Our minds are anointed to produce excellence. We’ve also been anointed with the Holy Spirit and withpower, and the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5). All these are by the Holy Spirit. He has made you powerful, loving and sound. What an excellent life!
Some people are powerful, but not loving. For us Christians, these three qualities are complete. Acts 1:8 says, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you….” Every Christian who has received the Holy Spirit has received power, because the Holy Spirit is the power of God. 1 John 4:4 says, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” The One who resides in you is greater and more powerful than all the forces in the world! Therefore, be bold to say, “…truly I am full of power by the spirit of the LORD…” (Micah 3:8).
The same Holy Spirit has caused the love of God to be shed abroad in your heart. It’s natural for you to walk in love, because love is the life of the new creation. The Bible says God is love (1 John 4:8); and as He is, so are you (1 John 4:17).
Declare always that you’re full of power, love, and have a sound mind; and use your sound mind for excellence in all you do.
I’m excellent, full of power, love and the glory of God. I walk in righteousness and manifest the dominion of the Spirit. The virtues and perfections of divinity are expressed through me today, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Proverbs 4:23 Living Bible (TLB)
23 Above all else, guard your affections. For they influence everything else in your life.
1 John 2:20 Living Bible (TLB)
20 But you are not like that, for the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you know the truth.
1 Year Bible Reading Plan: Romans 5:1-11, Psalm 49-51
2 Year Bible Reading Plan: Ephesians 4:17-24, Isaiah 50
DATE : Wednesday 30 July 2014
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Joshua 1:8
Read: Psalm 1:1-6
Joshua 1:8
Read: Psalm 1:1-6
1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR :MATHEW 13:44-16:4 and JOB 13:1-16
One of the inevitable benefits of righteousness is the ability to generate good success. Success is self-inviting and attractive. It has a compelling force around it that draws people to its possessor. Everyone desires good success. We all are being drawn by the compelling force of success consciously or unconsciously. There are many ways of describing success. Success describes the process of setting out to achieve an outcome and actualising this outcome as anticipated. Someone observed that there are at least two indispensable requirements of good success. These are creativity and innovation. Creativity describes thinking up new ideas and concepts while innovation describes doing new things, products and processes. The relationship between creativity and innovation generates success.
The above mentioned qualities of good success are inseparable and tally with scriptures. The Bible reveals that the alignment of creativity and innovation to produce good success is made possible by proper planning, creating a vision, creating a viable mission, continued learning, being prayerful and diligent, building a team, delegating and encouraging intuitive thinking, risk taking, effective listening, prompt obedience to the word of God, practicing coherent communication, accepting responsibility, promoting and developing products and services, new designs and new outcomes through patience. It can be deduced from the foregoing that proper meditation on the word of God will no doubt result in good success.
Are you born-again? Are you a child of God? You are designated for success. Outstanding success is of God. It is your covenant right, it is your redemptive right and it is your kingdom right. Success is your heritage in Christ while failure is an abuse of redemption. Be aware of the fact that mediocrity is not righteousness. No ordinary son is a pride of his father. A father only rejoices over his outstanding children, not those that are failures. If God is your Father, then you are designated for good success. Good success will however come when we meditate on the word of God and promptly do whatever it says (James 1:22).
Prayer Point:
Father, grant me the grace to always meditate on your Word and to practice whatever it says.
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